Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

The vibrant scene of Palm Sunday—with waving branches, shouts of "Hosanna," and Jesus riding humbly on a donkey—stands as one of the most visually striking moments in the Gospels.

Yet this wasn't a spontaneous event that caught heaven by surprise. Centuries before that momentous day, the Holy Spirit inspired numerous Old Testament scriptures for Palm Sunday, planting prophetic seeds that would blossom into fulfillment when Jesus entered Jerusalem.

These ancient texts reveal God's meticulous planning and divine foresight. By understanding these prophecies, we gain a richer appreciation of Palm Sunday's significance within God's redemptive timeline.

The prophets spoke of a coming King who would arrive in humility, yet bring salvation to His people—precise details that found their perfect expression in Jesus Christ.

The Significance of Palm Sunday in Christian Tradition

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, commemorating Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem just days before His crucifixion. This pivotal moment represents the culmination of Jesus' public ministry and the beginning of His journey toward the cross.

In Christian tradition, Palm Sunday serves as a powerful reminder of the paradoxical nature of Christ's kingship. The crowds welcomed Him with royal acclaim, spreading palm branches before Him—symbols of victory and celebration in ancient Jewish culture. Yet this same crowd would soon turn against Him, highlighting the tension between worldly expectations and God's divine plan.

Churches worldwide observe Palm Sunday through various traditions, including processions with palm branches, special liturgies, and readings of the Passion narrative. These practices help believers connect with the historical events while reflecting on their spiritual significance.

What makes Palm Sunday particularly meaningful is its fulfillment of specific Old Testament prophecies. These ancient words, penned centuries earlier, paint a remarkably accurate picture of what would transpire on that first Palm Sunday. The careful alignment between prophecy and fulfillment strengthens our faith in God's sovereign plan throughout history.

Zechariah 9:9 – The Prophecy of the Humble King

Perhaps the most striking Old Testament prophecy regarding Palm Sunday comes from the prophet Zechariah:

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

"Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." Zechariah 9:9


Written approximately 500 years before Christ, this passage contains remarkable specificity about the Messiah's arrival. In ancient times, kings typically rode on horses when entering cities in triumph. Horses symbolized war and conquest. By contrast, a king riding on a donkey signified peace and humility.

The Gospel writers clearly recognized the connection between this prophecy and Jesus' actions. Matthew explicitly references Zechariah's words: "This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet: 'Say to Daughter Zion, "See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey."'" (Matthew 21:4-5)

Zechariah's prophecy reveals several key aspects of the Messiah's character:

  1. Righteousness – The coming King would be morally perfect and just
  2. Victory – He would be triumphant, though not through conventional warfare
  3. Humility – Despite His royal status, He would display remarkable meekness
  4. Peace – His arrival on a donkey symbolized a peaceful reign

These characteristics directly challenge human expectations of power and kingship. The Jews of Jesus' day anticipated a political Messiah who would overthrow Roman rule through military might. Instead, Jesus fulfilled Zechariah's vision of a humble King who would conquer through sacrifice and love.

This prophecy speaks volumes about God's values and the nature of His kingdom. True greatness in God's economy comes through humility and service, not domination and force. Jesus embodied this counterintuitive truth as He entered Jerusalem, setting the stage for the ultimate act of humble service—His sacrificial death.

Psalm 118:25-26 – The Cry of 'Hosanna'

The shouts of the crowd on Palm Sunday echo another profound Old Testament prophecy found in Psalm 118:

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

"Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you."Psalm 118:25-26


This psalm held special significance in Jewish worship. It formed part of the Hallel (Psalms 113-118), which was recited during major Jewish festivals, particularly Passover. When the crowds greeted Jesus with these words, they were drawing on deeply ingrained liturgical traditions.

The Hebrew word translated as "save us" is "hoshiya na," which evolved into the familiar "Hosanna" in Greek. Originally a plea for salvation, by Jesus' time it had also become an expression of praise and adoration. The dual meaning is significant—the crowds were simultaneously praising Jesus and crying out for the salvation they believed He would bring.

Matthew's Gospel records the scene: "The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, 'Hosanna to the Son of David!' 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!' 'Hosanna in the highest heaven!'" (Matthew 21:9)

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

The phrase "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" carried Messianic overtones. In Jewish understanding, it referred to the anticipated Messiah who would come as God's representative. When the crowds directed these words toward Jesus, they were acknowledging—whether fully understanding it or not—His Messianic identity.

Jesus Himself underscored the importance of this psalm when He later lamented over Jerusalem: "For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'" (Matthew 23:39). This statement connects the psalm to both His first and second comings, suggesting that Israel's full recognition of His Messianic role awaits His future return.

Psalm 118 also contains other elements that foreshadow Palm Sunday and Holy Week:

  • It speaks of the "stone the builders rejected" becoming the "cornerstone" (v.22)
  • It mentions "binding the sacrifice with cords" (v.27)
  • It emphasizes God's steadfast love and deliverance (v.1-4)

These themes find their fulfillment in Jesus' rejection by the religious leaders, His sacrificial death, and the ultimate expression of God's love through the cross.

Isaiah 62:11 – Proclaiming Salvation

The prophet Isaiah adds another layer to our understanding of Palm Sunday with his proclamation:

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

"The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: 'Say to Daughter Zion, "See, your Savior comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him."'" – Isaiah 62:11


This verse, written approximately 700 years before Christ, announces the coming of salvation to Jerusalem (Zion). The proclamation is universal—"to the ends of the earth"—indicating that the Savior's arrival would have global significance.

Matthew's Gospel draws on this prophecy alongside Zechariah's words when describing Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:5). The combination of these prophecies emphasizes two key aspects of Christ's identity: He is both King (Zechariah) and Savior (Isaiah).

Isaiah 62 appears in a section of the prophet's writings that focuses on the restoration and redemption of God's people. The surrounding context speaks of a new name for God's people (v.2), the Lord's delight in His people (v.4), and the removal of obstacles from their path (v.10). These themes find their spiritual fulfillment in Christ's work of salvation.

The phrase "his reward is with him" suggests that the coming Savior brings immediate blessing. On Palm Sunday, Jesus offered the gift of His presence and the imminent salvation He would secure through His death and resurrection. Yet this also points to the future rewards He will bring at His second coming.

Palm Sunday thus stands as a partial fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy—Jesus came as Savior, but the full realization of salvation awaits His return. This tension between "already" and "not yet" characterizes much of Christian theology and reminds us that Palm Sunday is both a historical commemoration and a prophetic foreshadowing of Christ's final triumph.

Daniel 9:25-26 – The Anointed One's Arrival

The prophet Daniel provides perhaps the most precise chronological prophecy related to Palm Sunday:

"Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven 'sevens,' and sixty-two 'sevens.' It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble."Daniel 9:25


This remarkable prophecy, given during the Babylonian exile (approximately 539 BC), offers a timeline for the Messiah's arrival. The "sevens" refer to periods of seven years, with the total timeframe spanning 483 years (7 × 7 plus 62 × 7).

Scholars have calculated that this period, starting from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (likely 458 BC or 445 BC), points to a date remarkably close to Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. While interpretations vary on the exact calculations, the prophecy clearly anticipated the Messiah's arrival during the first century AD.

Daniel continues with a sobering prediction: "After the sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary" (Daniel 9:26). This foretells both the crucifixion of Jesus and the subsequent destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

The timing of Palm Sunday takes on new significance when viewed through Daniel's prophecy. Jesus' entry into Jerusalem wasn't just a fulfillment of Zechariah's words about the humble King; it was the divinely appointed moment when the "Anointed One" would present Himself to Israel, precisely as Daniel had foretold.

Jesus Himself demonstrated awareness of this prophetic timeline when He wept over Jerusalem, saying, "If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes" (Luke 19:42). The phrase "on this day" suggests Jesus recognized the profound significance of that particular moment in God's redemptive calendar.

Thematic Connections Between Prophecies and Palm Sunday

When we examine these Old Testament prophecies collectively, several unifying themes emerge that deepen our understanding of Palm Sunday:

Divine Sovereignty: These prophecies, written centuries apart by different authors, display remarkable coherence in their vision of the Messiah. This harmony testifies to God's sovereign direction of history and Scripture, orchestrating every detail of Christ's coming.

Paradoxical Kingship: The prophecies consistently portray a King unlike any other—one who combines strength with gentleness, victory with humility, and authority with service. This paradoxical nature finds perfect expression in Jesus, who entered Jerusalem as royalty but came to serve and give His life.

Recognition and Rejection: The prophecies hint at the mixed reception the Messiah would receive. While some would recognize and celebrate Him (Psalm 118), ultimately He would be "cut off" (Daniel 9:26) and become the "stone the builders rejected" (Psalm 118:22). This tension played out dramatically during Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday's adulation and ending with Good Friday's rejection.

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

Present and Future Salvation: The prophetic texts weave together immediate and future aspects of salvation. Palm Sunday represents this tension—Jesus offered present salvation through His sacrificial death, yet the full realization of His kingdom awaits His return.

Fulfillment Through Deliberate Choice: Jesus actively fulfilled these prophecies through intentional choices. By specifically arranging to ride a donkey into Jerusalem, He wasn't merely fulfilling Scripture by coincidence—He was deliberately identifying Himself as the promised Messiah described by the prophets.

These connections invite us to view Palm Sunday not as an isolated event but as a crucial moment in God's grand narrative of redemption—a story written across centuries and culminating in Christ.


The Old Testament scriptures for Palm Sunday reveal the beautiful tapestry of God's redemptive plan, woven through centuries of prophecy and finding perfect fulfillment in Jesus Christ. From Zechariah's humble King to Daniel's precise timeline, these ancient texts prepared God's people for the Messiah's arrival.

Old Testament Scriptures for Palm Sunday

As we wave palm branches and sing "Hosanna" each year, we join a celebration that was anticipated by prophets and planned by God from ages past. These prophecies remind us that Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was no accident of history but the culmination of divine purpose.

By understanding these prophetic foundations, we gain a deeper appreciation for Palm Sunday's significance. We see more clearly how Jesus fulfills God's promises, challenges human expectations of power, and offers salvation with arms extended toward the cross.

May this knowledge enrich your Holy Week observances and strengthen your faith in God's faithful promises. As you reflect on these prophecies, share these insights with others, allowing the full biblical context of Palm Sunday to inspire renewed wonder at God's perfect plan of salvation.


Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of Your perfect wisdom and faithful promises. Thank You for revealing Your plans through the prophets and fulfilling them perfectly in Your Son.

As we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, help us recognize Him as the humble King foretold by Zechariah, the blessed One announced in the Psalms, and the Savior proclaimed by Isaiah.

Deepen our trust in Your sovereign timing as revealed through Daniel's prophecy. May the connections between ancient Scripture and fulfilled reality strengthen our faith and inspire our worship.

Give us hearts that cry "Hosanna"—both praising You and depending on Your salvation. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Old Testament prophecy foretold Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem?

Zechariah 9:9 prophesied Jesus' entry, describing a king arriving humbly on a donkey. This verse directly parallels the events of Palm Sunday, where Jesus fulfilled this prophecy.

How does Psalm 118 relate to Palm Sunday?

Psalm 118:25-26 contains the cry of "Hosanna," which the crowds shouted as Jesus entered Jerusalem. This psalm was traditionally sung during Jewish feasts, emphasizing salvation and divine blessing.

Why is Isaiah 62:11 significant for Palm Sunday?

Isaiah 62:11 proclaims the coming of the Savior to Jerusalem, aligning with the moment Jesus was publicly recognized as the promised King on Palm Sunday.

What is the connection between Daniel 9 and Palm Sunday?

Daniel 9:25-26 predicts the arrival of the Anointed One, with a prophetic timeline that aligns with Jesus' public ministry and entry into Jerusalem.

Why is the donkey significant in Palm Sunday prophecies?

The donkey symbolizes humility and peace. Zechariah 9:9 prophesies that the Messiah would arrive on a donkey, emphasizing Jesus' role as a humble and peaceful King.
