Bible Verse Of The Day - September 7, 2024 | Morning Prayers with Scriptures

september bible verses,

Today Bible verse is - Matthew 11:28

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Devotion for September 7, 2024

Beloved, life can be heavy. The burdens we carry - worries about money, health problems, broken relationships - they weigh us down like great stones upon our backs. But praise God, Jesus speaks to us today! He says, "Come to me." What tender words from our Savior!

You see, Jesus knows your struggles. He understands your pain. When He walked this earth, He saw the masses - poor, sick, outcasts. His heart broke for them. And His heart breaks for you today.

But Jesus doesn't just feel sorry for you. No! He has the power to lift your burdens! The One who calmed the storm and raised the dead - He offers you rest.

Rest for your weary soul. Rest from your anxious thoughts. Rest in His mighty arms.

How do we find this rest? We must come to Jesus. Leave your pride behind. Stop trying to fix everything yourself. Run to Him like a child runs to their father after falling down.

Pour out your heart to Him in prayer. Open His Word and let it wash over you. Gather with other believers to worship and encourage one another.

As you come to Jesus day by day, something wonderful happens. His strength becomes your strength. His peace floods your heart. The burdens grow lighter because He carries them with you.

Today, will you answer His invitation? Jesus is calling, "Come to me." Run to Him now, and find the rest your soul craves!

september bible verse

Prayer for September 7, 2024

Mighty God, we come before You now, weary and heavy-laden. Our strength is small, but Your power is unlimited. We lay our burdens at Your feet - every worry, every fear, every pain.

Lord Jesus, You said, "I will give you rest." We claim that promise today! Refresh our spirits. Renew our minds. Restore our joy.

Father, when the cares of this world threaten to overwhelm us, remind us to run to You. Teach us to cast all our anxieties upon You, for You care for us (1 Peter 5:7).

Holy Spirit, fill us afresh. Let Your peace that passes all understanding guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7).

We thank You that You are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). In Jesus' mighty name we pray. Amen.

Beloved, write "Amen" in the comments to agree with this prayer. Let God work mightily in your life today!
