The Easiest Way to Read the Bible: Simple Steps for Life-Changing Insights

easiest way to read the bible

Reading the Bible can seem like a daunting task, especially with its length, historical context, and deep spiritual meaning. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

The easiest way to read the Bible is to approach it with simplicity and purpose. By choosing the right plan, translation, and mindset, anyone can experience the transformative power of Scripture in their daily life.

Whether you're new to the Bible or seeking a fresh approach, this guide will show you how to start, sustain, and deepen your reading journey with clarity and confidence.

Why Reading the Bible is Essential for Spiritual Growth

Why Make Bible Reading a Priority in Your Life?

Reading the Bible is one of the most important habits you can cultivate as a Christian. Not only does it deepen your understanding of God’s will, but it also equips you with wisdom for everyday decisions, strengthens your faith, and gives you peace in times of difficulty.

The Bible is more than a historical document or a religious text—it’s the living Word of God, full of divine wisdom and guidance for every aspect of your life.

The Bible reminds us, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” - Psalm 119:105 (NIV). Without this light, it’s easy to feel lost in a world filled with challenges.

bible verse psalm 119:115 easiest way to read the bible

Engaging with Scripture daily helps ground us in truth, offering clarity and direction when life feels uncertain.

Start with a Translation You Understand

Choose the Right Bible Translation for You

The Bible has been translated into many versions, each with its own style of language. If you're a beginner, it's important to pick a translation that is easy to understand.

Popular translations like the New International Version (NIV) or the New Living Translation (NLT) use modern, everyday language that makes the Bible more approachable.

Other translations, like the English Standard Version (ESV), offer a more literal translation of the original texts but might be harder to read for beginners.

Reading a translation that resonates with you will make the Bible feel more accessible.

bible verse Romans 15:4 easiest-way-to-read-the-bible.

As Romans 15:4 reminds us, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (NIV). Understanding Scripture is the first step in allowing it to shape your life.

Follow a Bible Reading Plan

Use a Simple and Consistent Bible Reading Plan

Starting your Bible reading journey is much easier when you have a plan to follow. Whether you prefer reading the Bible chronologically, topically, or simply starting with the Gospels, the key is consistency.

A beginner-friendly approach is to start with the Gospels—the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—where you’ll find the core teachings of Jesus and His life on earth.

Another effective method is to follow a topical reading plan. For example, if you're dealing with anxiety, you could focus on passages about peace and trust.

If you're seeking forgiveness, study verses that focus on grace and redemption. Following a plan helps ensure you won’t feel overwhelmed and will build a habit that lasts.

bible verse 2 timothy 3:16 easiest-way-to-read-the-bible

As 2 Timothy 3:16 teaches us, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness” (NIV). No matter where you start, every word of the Bible is valuable for your spiritual growth.

10 Tips for Studying the Bible Easily

Practical Tips for Simplifying Your Bible Study

Sometimes, getting started with Bible study can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are 10 simple tips to make your Bible study both manageable and enriching:

Easiest Way to Read the Bible

  • Start Small: Begin with just a few verses or one chapter a day. You don’t need to read large portions to gain spiritual insights.

  • Use Bible Study Tools: Apps like the YouVersion Bible App offer reading plans, devotionals, and commentaries that can help guide your study.

  • Take Notes: Write down what stood out to you, or any questions you have while reading. This deepens your engagement with Scripture.

  • Highlight Key Verses: Keep track of the verses that speak to you by underlining or highlighting them.

  • Pray Before You Read: Ask God for wisdom and understanding before starting your reading.

  • Find a Quiet Space: Minimize distractions by creating a peaceful environment where you can focus solely on the Word.

  • Set a Regular Time: Whether it’s first thing in the morning or before bed, setting a consistent time will help you build a habit.

  • Use a Study Bible: Study Bibles contain helpful footnotes and explanations that provide deeper context and meaning.

  • Journal Your Thoughts: Write a short reflection on how the reading applies to your life.

  • Share with Others: Discuss what you’ve read with friends or family members to gain new perspectives.

Remember James 1:22: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (NIV). As you apply what you learn, you’ll see your faith and understanding grow.

Read with Others for Encouragement

Join a Bible Study Group or Start a Reading Buddy System

Bible reading doesn’t have to be a solitary experience. Joining a Bible study group or pairing up with a reading buddy is a great way to stay motivated and encouraged.

Groups offer accountability, and the discussions often lead to deeper insights into the Scriptures that you might miss on your own. If you can’t find a local group, there are plenty of online Bible study communities where you can connect with fellow Christians.

Jesus said, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” - Matthew 18:20 (NIV)

Reading and studying the Bible with others can provide encouragement and keep you consistent in your walk with Christ.

Best Order to Read the Bible for the First Time

Easiest Way to Read the Bible

Start with the Gospels and Build From There

If you’re reading the Bible for the first time, it’s helpful to start with a clear structure that allows you to build a strong foundation in your understanding of God's Word.

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are often the best place to begin because they introduce you to the life and teachings of Jesus. These books capture the heart of the Christian faith—Jesus’ miracles, parables, and His ultimate sacrifice for humanity.

After the Gospels, a good next step is the book of Acts, which covers the early church’s growth and the spread of the Gospel through the apostles. From there, reading Romans through Philemon will provide you with a deeper understanding of Christian doctrine, as Paul’s letters address practical issues of faith, salvation, and church life.

As you get more comfortable, you can dive into the Old Testament. Starting with Genesis, Psalms, and Proverbs will give you a broad view of God’s creation, humanity's fall, and practical wisdom for living. Eventually, you can work through the historical books and prophetic writings to complete the entire Bible.

The Correct Way to Read the Bible: Build a Habit of Daily Devotion

Practical Steps to Keep Bible Reading Simple and Effective

The key to reading the Bible consistently is not to overwhelm yourself. Instead, focus on developing a daily habit of devotion. Start small by setting aside 10-15 minutes each day. You can follow a Bible-in-a-year plan or break it down into shorter readings.

Here’s a simple way to structure your daily Bible reading time:

Easiest Way to Read the Bible

  1. Pray: Begin with a short prayer asking for God’s guidance and understanding.

  2. Read: Follow your chosen reading plan or read a few chapters from a selected book.

  3. Reflect: Pause and meditate on what you’ve read. What stands out? How does this apply to your life?

  4. Write: Jot down key verses, insights, or questions in a journal.

  5. Pray Again: End your reading time by thanking God for His Word and asking Him to help you live according to what you’ve learned.

Consistency is key. The more you spend time in the Word, the easier it will become, and over time you’ll see spiritual growth and transformation in your life.

bible verse joshua 1:8  Easiest Way to Read the Bible

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” — Joshua 1:8 (NIV)

Conclusion: Stay Committed to the Journey

No matter where you start, the most important thing is to stay committed to reading the Bible.

Whether you’re new to Scripture or have read it many times, each day spent in God’s Word is an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Easiest Way to Read the Bible

The Bible is a lifelong guide, offering timeless wisdom, encouragement, and direction. By making Bible reading a priority, you allow God's voice to shape your life in profound ways.

Remember, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever” Isaiah 40:8 (NIV). Stay rooted in the Word, and watch how it bears fruit in every area of your life.

If this guide has helped you, share it with others who are also seeking to grow in their faith. Don’t forget to bookmark this post or save it to refer back to as you continue on your Bible reading journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the correct way to read the Bible?

There isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” method, but the correct way to read the Bible is with an open heart, a consistent plan, and in prayer. Begin with an easy-to-understand translation and create a habit of daily reading. Reflect on the Scriptures and apply what you learn in your life.

What is the best order to read the Bible for the first time?

For beginners, it’s best to start with the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) to understand the life and teachings of Jesus. Afterward, move to Acts and the letters of Paul for Christian doctrine, and finally read the Old Testament for history and prophecy.

How do I study the Bible for the first time?

Start by choosing a simple Bible translation and a reading plan that suits your needs. Use Bible study tools like commentaries and apps, and spend a few minutes each day reflecting on what you read. Don’t rush—take it one step at a time.

What is the easiest Bible to read for beginners?

The New International Version (NIV) and the New Living Translation (NLT) are two of the easiest Bibles to read for beginners, offering modern language while staying faithful to the original texts.

How long should I spend reading the Bible each day?

You can start with as little as 10-15 minutes a day. The key is to stay consistent. Over time, as you grow more comfortable with reading, you may want to increase the time you spend in the Word.
