The Ultimate Guide to the Best Order to Read the Bible for the First Time

The blog post explores the significance of reading the Bible in a specific order for first-time readers. It discusses the benefits of chronological, traditional, and combination approaches, as well as practical tips to maximize the reading experience. The article aims to help readers choose the best order to enhance their understanding and appreciation of the scriptures.

an open book on a table with the words best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

Reading the Bible for the first time can be a daunting task, but choosing the right order to do so can make all the difference. The Bible is a vast and complex collection of books, each with its own unique perspective and historical context.

By understanding the significance of reading the Bible in a specific order, first-time readers can maximize their understanding and appreciation of this timeless text.

Why Order Matters

The order in which one reads the Bible can greatly impact the overall comprehension and takeaways. Two primary approaches to reading the Bible are the chronological order and the traditional order.

an open book sitting on top of a table, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

Chronological Order

Reading the Bible in chronological order, which follows the historical timeline of events, can provide readers with a deeper understanding of the broader narrative and the context in which the various books were written. This approach helps readers appreciate the interconnectedness of the Old and New Testaments, as they witness the unfolding of God's plan throughout history.

chronological order, a person sitting on a bench writing on a book, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

One of the key benefits of reading the Bible in chronological order is that it allows readers to follow the continuous story of God's interaction with humanity.

By starting with the creation story in the book of Genesis and progressing through the historical accounts, prophets, and writings, readers can see how each event and revelation builds upon the previous one. This can help to establish a clear understanding of the overarching themes and the development of God's relationship with His people.

Additionally, reading the Bible in chronological order can provide valuable insights into the cultural, political, and social contexts that shaped the various books.

Readers can better understand the challenges and circumstances faced by the biblical figures, which can enhance their appreciation for the timeless truths and lessons within the text.

Traditional Order

The traditional order of the Bible, as it is commonly presented, follows a more familiar structure, with the Old Testament books preceding the New Testament. This approach allows readers to become acquainted with the foundational stories and teachings of the Old Testament before delving into the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

One of the advantages of the traditional order is that it reflects the historical development of the biblical canon.

traditional order, a person reading a book on a wooden table, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

The Old Testament books were written and compiled over a significant period, while the New Testament books were written in the first century AD, building upon the foundations laid in the Old Testament.

By following this established structure, readers can trace the progression of God's plan and understand the significance of the New Testament within the broader context of the Old Testament.

Furthermore, the traditional order can be particularly beneficial for readers who are already familiar with key Old Testament stories, such as the creation, the patriarchs, the Exodus, and the prophets.

This prior knowledge can provide a solid foundation for understanding the references and allusions made in the New Testament, which often rely on the foundational narratives of the Old Testament.

Old Testament First

Starting with the Old Testament can be a beneficial approach for first-time Bible readers. By understanding the historical backdrop and the covenants established between God and His people, readers can gain valuable insights that will enhance their understanding of the New Testament.

This order provides a solid foundation for comprehending the significance of Jesus Christ's coming and the fulfillment of the prophecies.

One of the key advantages of starting with the Old Testament is that it allows readers to become acquainted with the rich and diverse stories, laws, and prophecies that lay the groundwork for the New Testament.

old testament, an open book sitting on top of a table, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

From the creation story in Genesis to the poetic writings of the Psalms and Proverbs, the Old Testament presents a comprehensive picture of God's relationship with humanity and the unfolding of His divine plan.

By immersing themselves in the Old Testament first, readers can develop a deeper appreciation for the context and significance of the New Testament. They can witness the gradual revelation of God's promise of a Messiah, the prophecies regarding His coming, and the anticipation of His arrival.

This knowledge can then enhance their understanding of the Gospels, where they will encounter the fulfillment of these promises in the life, ministry, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

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New Testament First

Alternatively, some readers may prefer to begin their Bible journey by exploring the New Testament. This approach allows them to be immediately immersed in the life, teachings, and ministry of Jesus Christ, which can be a powerful and captivating entry point.

By starting with the New Testament, readers can grasp the core teachings of Christianity and then delve into the Old Testament to understand the broader context and the fulfillment of God's plan.

One of the benefits of starting with the New Testament is that it can provide a more accessible and relatable entry point for first-time readers. The Gospels present the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, which are central to the Christian faith.

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By encountering these powerful narratives and teachings first, readers can develop a personal connection with Jesus and the transformative message of the New Testament.

Additionally, starting with the New Testament can be particularly beneficial for readers who are already familiar with the cultural and historical context of the biblical era. By understanding the socio-political landscape in which Jesus lived and ministered, readers can better appreciate the significance of His teachings and the challenges He faced.

This knowledge can then inform their reading of the Old Testament, as they explore the foundational stories and prophecies that paved the way for the coming of the Messiah.

Combination Approach

A hybrid method that incorporates elements of both the Old and New Testaments can also be a beneficial approach. This combination approach allows readers to gain a balanced understanding of the Bible, exploring the foundations of the Old Testament while also engaging with the transformative message of the New Testament.

combination approach, a woman sitting on a dock reading a book, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

By weaving together the two testaments, readers can develop a more comprehensive and nuanced perspective on the overarching narrative of the Bible.

One advantage of the combination approach is that it can provide a well-rounded introduction to the biblical story. Readers can start with the New Testament, immersing themselves in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and then move on to the Old Testament to understand the historical and theological context that led to His coming. This approach can help readers see the interconnectedness of the two testaments and appreciate the continuity of God's plan throughout the Bible.

Another benefit of the combination approach is that it can cater to the diverse learning styles and preferences of different readers. Some may prefer to start with the more familiar and accessible New Testament, while others may find the chronological order of the Old Testament more engaging.

By offering a flexible approach, the combination method can accommodate the individual needs and interests of first-time Bible readers.

Tips for First-Time Readers

Regardless of the order chosen, there are several practical tips that can help first-time Bible readers maximize their reading experience:

  • Consistency is key: Commit to a consistent reading schedule, even if it's just a few minutes a day. Steady progress will lead to greater understanding and retention.

  • Take notes: Jot down your thoughts, questions, and insights as you read. This can help you track your learning journey and identify areas that require further exploration.

a person sitting on a bench writing on a book, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time

  • Seek guidance: Consider joining a Bible study group or seeking the advice of a trusted pastor or mentor. Their insights and perspectives can greatly enrich your understanding of the scriptures.

  • Utilize resources: Leverage various Bible study resources, such as commentaries, study Bibles, and online tools, to deepen your understanding of the text and its historical context.

  • Pray and meditate: Approach your Bible reading with an open heart and mind, inviting God to speak to you through the words on the page. Take time to reflect on the passages and how they apply to your life.

  • Start small: If the vastness of the Bible seems overwhelming, begin with shorter books or sections that align with your interests or current needs. Gradually increase the scope of your reading as you gain confidence and familiarity.

  • Embrace the journey: Reading the Bible is a lifelong process of learning and growth. Approach it with patience, humility, and a willingness to learn, even if you encounter challenging or confusing passages along the way.

a woman sitting on a bench reading a book, best order to read the bible for the first time, how to read the bible for the first time


The order in which you read the Bible for the first time can significantly impact your overall understanding and appreciation of this profound and life-changing text.

Whether you choose to follow a chronological, traditional, or combination approach, the key is to find the order that resonates most with you and your personal journey of faith.

By embracing the right reading plan and incorporating practical tips, first-time Bible readers can embark on a transformative and rewarding exploration of the Word of God.
